國立屏東大學學報:人文社會類  2023/08
第八期 (Vol.8)     1-26
Rewriting Legends and Sinophone Writing in Indigenous Children's Literature: a Study of Neqou Soqluman’s Grandma Ibu's Magical Beans
HSU Chia Cheng
布農族作家乜寇.索克魯曼(Neqou Soqluman)於2017 年初出版《伊布奶奶的神奇豆子》繪本,該書為少數文字、圖像創作者均為本族人的原住民兒童文學作品。以都市布農族孩子與原鄉伊布奶奶的互動與對話,呈現了布農族傳統豆類文化的生命思維,融攝傳統布農族農業文化哲學。作者改寫並運用了布農族地底人傳說,透過祖孫口傳場景將傳說改寫並嵌入作品,將傳說化為寫作的元素,以之作為一種本族文化的「再現」。本文將探討作者對布農族的傳統文化,如命名傳統、生命傳承、傳說意義、農耕智慧等,在作品架構中做了何種有意識的安排,如何以華語書寫詮釋布農族文學的特殊質性。本文並嘗試觀察繪圖者依法兒.瑪琳奇那的圖畫象徵與敘事風格,考察敘事與圖像二者的搭配所呈現的關係。

In early 2017, Bunun writer Neqou Soqluman published the picture book Grandma Ibu's Magical Beans. It is one of few indigenous children’s literature that was written and illustrated both by indigenous people. Through the interaction and dialogue between a Bunun girl and Grandma Ibu, the bean crop tradition of Bunun is presented along with the adapting and embedding of the Bunun legend “the underground people.” This paper explores various arrangements by the author who intended to represent Bunun philosophy of life which includes the naming tradition, legacy inheritance, implications of legends, and farming wisdom. This paper also analyzes the characteristics of Bunun Sinophone literature as well as observes the symbolic and narrative techniques of illustrator Eval Malinjinnan.
Grandma Ibu's Magical Beans was originally Grandma Ibu's Bean Story which was written in both Bunun and Chinese and self-published six years earlier. However, in Grandma Ibu's Magical Beans, most Bunun language was replaced by Chinese. Children’s literature written in indigenous language faces a dilemma: aiming for the reading and comprehension of children who speak a mainstream language, or for educating indigenous children on their language and culture. Although the author attempted to present the knowledge system of Bunun agriculture as the main framework of the story, it is contradictory that the author tries to avoid mentioning “Bunun” as a keyword. Through observation and analysis of this book, this paper tries to identify the demonstrations, enlightenments and reflections brought about by this book from the perspective of creating and shaping indigenous children's literature.
英文關鍵字Indigenous Children's Literature;Bunun Literature;Neqou Soqluman;Sinophone Writing;Legends