國立屏東大學學報:人文社會類  2022/08
第七期 (Vol.7)     1-24
An Analysis of “Imitating Others Genres” in Huang, Tingjian’s Ci Poems


Writers in the Song dynasty were very good in drawing lessons from the works of previous authors, from the wordings, meaning of sentences, using former poet’s true stories or integrating all kinds of skills into their works.
  Huang, Tingjian was a famous writer in the Northern Song dynasty. His poems received extensive attention, but his Ci poems got mixed reviews. Besides inheriting the elegance and gentleness of the traditional beauty, Huang also blended the contemporary slangs into his Ci works intentionally. Huang’s artistic aesthetics and literary theories were shown in his Ci poems which were written in various themes with unique style.
  Huang’s poetic theories proposed several writing skills, for example: womb snatching, bone-changing, turning iron into goldand others. These theories were easy to follow, hence it dominated the Jiang Xi poetic school and influenced the poetic field greatly.
  This thesis is going to analyze concretely the “Imitating Others Genre” in Huang, Tingjian’s Ci Poems. The characteristic of each genre will be analyzed in order to grasp the reason why Huang intentionally imitated those poems. He tried to extend his poetic theories in to his works, as well as collecting his thoughts, finding comfort while facing the contrast of serving the nation or being a hermit in his personal real life.
英文關鍵字Huang, Tingjian;imitation;Imitating Others Genre