國立屏東大學學報:管理類  2023/12
第六期 (Vol.6)    
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Financial Stability of Taiwan's Insurance Industry
Chen, Cheng-Yu
Chen, Yi-Ling
本研究將探討在大疫情的環境下,台灣的人身保險以及產物保險公司財務面是否穩定,並針對2020年前後3年,即2017-2022年間台灣人身保險和產物保險之縱橫資料(Panel Data)迴歸模型,驗證大疫情時代下是否會影響保險公司的財務穩定性。

This study is going to research the financial stability of life insurance and non-life insurance companies in Taiwan are stable or not during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the data year around 2020, that is, from 2017 to 2022. Use the regression model of the Panal Data, to test the financial stability of insurance companies will be affected in the year of the pandemic.The insurance industry has an inseparable impact on the general environment and the overall finance. The research results show that whether RBC is in all-insurance industry or non-life insurance, the RBC has been reduced due to the impact of the epidemic, and financial leverage and reinsurance rates have also been negatively affected. The situation of life insurance has not changed much, because most life insurance policies are long-term policies, and the short-term financial status of insurance companies will not directly affect the solvency. Covid- 19 does not have much impact on the Z-Score of the all-insurance industry, but it has a significant negative correlation on the impact of non-life insurance; ROI and Z-Score are significantly negatively correlated in the full sample, because the property insurance industry holds The income of the investment position of the company is reduced, which in turn affects the financial stability.
英文關鍵字Covid-19;Insurance industry;Financial stability