第七期 (Vol.7)     1-42
The Development of Calligraphy Potentials Through the Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction: A Breakthrough in the Traditional Calligraphy Teaching
Guan-Jie Lin

每個人其實皆具寫一手美字的寫字潛能。然而,當前高等教育的寫字課程與教學仍有下列困境,以致學員的寫字潛能並沒有被完全開發出來:學員僅依循教學者的課程設計與安排,缺乏自主學習的精神;寫字評量方式過於單一;寫字教學淪為技藝的複製與重現,嚴重忽略學員之情意及學習需求。為解決上述困境,本研究旨在採行動研究法,據課程實施的締造觀(行動落實觀)發展以差異化教學為主軸之「寫字潛能開發課程」,採差異化教學方法與差異化學習評量機制,使焦點回歸於個別學員在學習歷程的改變與成長,且在習字期間結合其興趣與專長,以期統合知識、技能與情意的層面,臻至寫字潛能開發的目標。根據研究結果,本研究建議如下:1.寫字課程與教學盡量以學員為中心。2.培養學員獨立的省思能力。3. 提供適當的教學情境,使寫字學習與日常生活緊密連結。4.實施差異化課程、教學與評量,且將評量著重於個體在學習歷程的改變與成長。

Everyone has potential for calligraphy, which is termed by the writer as “calligraphy potentiality.” However, the dilemma existing in the current curriculum and instruction in higher education makes it difficult for learners to fully develop their calligraphy potentiality. The dilemma includes: the learners follow the teacher’s curricular design and arrangement without any opportunity of self-learning; the assessment of calligraphy is identical; calligraphy teaching is reduced to the duplication and reproduction of skills; the learners’ affective and learning needs are mostly ignored. In order to make a breakthrough in this dilemma, differentiated curriculum, instruction and assessment were implemented for an action research. In this research, the focus was brought back to every individual learner’s learning process and growth. In this way, the learner’s interests and specialties are combined and the knowledge, skill and affective aspects are all integrated, preparing multi-paths for learners to develop their calligraphy potentiality. Based on findings of this study, following suggestions are proposed: 1. the curriculum and instruction of calligraphy should be learner-centered as much as possible; 2. the learners’ capability of independent self-reflection should be developed; 3. the teacher should provide appropriate instructional situations so that the learning of calligraphy can be highly relevant to daily life; 4. the differentiated curriculum, instruction and assessment which emphasize the individual learner’s changes and growth in the learning process should be implemented.
Calligraphy Education;Development of Calligraphy Potentiality;Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction;Multiple Assessment