國立屏東大學學報:人文社會類  2018/08
第三期 (Vol.3)     1-32
論當代貂蟬故事之敘事差異及其形象新變 ──以《三國異俠傳》及《火鳳燎原》為例  
The case study of “Sanguo yi xia chuan” and “The Ravages of Time”: The narrative differences and imaginative transformation of Diao Chan in modern era.

  《三國演義》裡的「連環計」向來被視為古代「美人計」 展演之佳例。傾城之貌的貂蟬,如何憑藉一己之「魅」力,徹底摧毀董卓及呂布的權力核心,向是小說家著力描寫的重心。在這個故事裡,美色、權力及歷史事件是最具魅力的創作題材,因此我們可以注意到「連環計」裡的主角「貂蟬」,並非僅僅「活」在《三國演義》之中,我們可以看到從元明雜劇、清代的京戲、以至於近現代以來的小說、電影、戲劇、連環畫均可見其「芳蹤」,顯示無論創作者選擇以何種媒介呈現,讀者大眾仍然對貂蟬或三國故事的興趣仍舊不減。

In Three Kingdoms, lianhuanji was seen as a good example of badger game in ancient. Novelist tried hard to describe how did the beautiful female Diao Chan use her charm to destroy the core power from Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu thoroughly. Beauty, power and history event were the most attractive creation material. We noticed that Diao Chan who was in lianhuanji not only live in Three Kingdoms but in Yuan and Ming zaju, Qing Dynasty opera and numbers of novel, film, drama and comic book. It means no matter which platform the creators select, audiences are very interested in Diao Chan and Three Kingdoms.

This study took Diao Chan from the martial novel “Sanguo yi xia chuan” by Xiao Yuhan and comic book “The Ravages of Time” by Chenmou as a cross-text object. Their storytelling was different from “Three Kingdoms” and shaped different imagination for Diao Chan. This study tried to research how did “Sanguo yi xia chuan” and “The Ravages of Time” inheritance, supply and explain the pre-text. This study also observed how did they see the history and compare them under the new context.
英文關鍵字Diao Chan;lianhuanji;Xiao Yuhan;Sanguo yi xia chuan;Chenmou;The Ravages of Time