國立屏東大學學報:教育類  2019/04
第三期 (Vol.3)     1-38
The Effect of Life Adjustment Group Counseling on The Disadvantage Children in Low Grade of Elementary School
I-Ting Hsu
Su-Yun Huang
1. 團體輔導對實驗組成員的生活適應沒有立即輔導效果。
2. 兩週後的追蹤評量顯示,實驗組成員在「整體生活適應」、「家庭適應」具有追蹤輔導成效,但在「個人適應」、「學校適應」和「同儕適應」上無顯著成效。
3. 從成員、導師及家長的質化觀察、回饋資料顯示,生活適應團體輔導對成員具有正向輔導效果,成員對於團體有高的滿意度,且團體獲得成員的家長和導師的肯定,認為生活適應輔導團體對提升成員之生活適應有助益。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of life adjustment group guidance on the disadvantage lower-grade elementary children. The unequal pre-test and post-test experimental design was conducted in this research in which 12 disadvantage children in the lower elementary grades in Kaohsiung were selected as the sample. The participants were randomly divided into the experiment and control groups with 6 members in each group. The children of experimental group received 30-minute orientation and 12 sessions of group activities with one session lasting 50 minutes each week. The control group didn’t receive any treatment.
The Life Adjustment Scale for the disadvantage lower-grade elementary children was used in pretest, posttest and follow-up to measure life adjustment of children. The obtained data were analyzed with nonparametric statistics in the rank-based Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon. In addition, a thorough analysis of collected data including group process records, interviews, and the feedback from children’s teacher and parents was then conducted so as to further investigate into the effectiveness of the application of Life Adjustment Group Guidance. Results were summarized as follow:
1. The experiment group had no immediate effect on Life Adjustment.
2. On the two-week follow-up for experimental children, there were significant effects on the Overall Life Adjustment and Family Adjustment, whereas no significant effect was found on the Individual Adjustment, School Adjustment, and Peer Adjustment.
3. According to feedback from the experimental group members, a full review of recorded video, and teacher and parent’s interview and feedback data, life-adjustment group guidance had positive effects on the experimental members. The members were satisfied with group activities and their teacher and parents reported that life-adjustment group guidance definitely had a positive effect on children.
英文關鍵字disadvantage children, the lower elementary grades, group guidance, life adjustment